Link of MathSciNet .1. Fangchi Yan, Qingtian Zhang. Global solutions for quasi-geostrophic shallow-water fronts. Journal of Differential Equations, 406, (2024) 1-86.
2. John K. Hunter, Jingyang Shu, and Qingtian Zhang. Global solutions for a family of GSQG front equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 44(9) (2024) 2598-2640.
3. Dening Li, Qingtian Zhang. Shock Waves with Irrotational Rankine-Hugoniot Conditions. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 82 (2024), 789-800.
4. Geng Chen, Yanbo Hu, Qingtian Zhang. Initial-boundary value problems for Poiseuille flow of nematic liquid crystal via full Ericksen-Leslie model, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 56(2), (2024) 1809-1850.
5. Fangchi Yan, Qingtian Zhang. Global solutions of quasi-linear Hamiltonian mKdV equation, Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 240, (2024) 113454.
6. Dening Li, Qingtian Zhang. Double shock solution for 3-dimensional irrotational isentropic flow, J. Hyperbolic Differ. Equ. 20, no. 4 (2023) 835–852.
7. John K. Hunter, Ryan C. Moreno-Vasquez, Jingyang Shu and Qingtian Zhang. On the approximation of vorticity fronts by the Burgers-Hilbert equation. Asymptot. Anal., 129 (2022), no. 2, 141–177.
8. John K. Hunter, Jingyang Shu, and Qingtian Zhang. Global Solutions of a Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Front Equation, Pure Appl. Anal., 3 (2021), no. 3, 403–472.
9. John K. Hunter, Jingyang Shu, and Qingtian Zhang. Contour Dynamics for Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Fronts, Nonlinearity 33 (2020), no. 9, 4699–4714.
10. John K. Hunter, Jingyang Shu, and Qingtian Zhang. Two-Front Solutions of the SQG Equation and its Generalizations. Commun. Math. Sci. 18 (2020), no. 6, 1685–1741.
11. John K. Hunter, Jingyang Shu, and Qingtian Zhang. Local Well-posedness of an Approximate Equation for SQG Fronts, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 20 (2018), no. 4, 1967–1984.
12. Alberto Bressan, Geng Chen, and Qingtian Zhang. On finite time BV blow-up for the p-system, Commun. Part. Diff. Eq., 43 (2018), no. 8, 1242 –1280.
13. Mingjie Li, and Qingtian Zhang. Generic regularity of conservative solutions to Camassa-Holm type equations, SIAM J. Math. Anal., 49 (2017), no. 4, 2920–2949.
14. Mingjie Li, and Qingtian Zhang. Uniqueness of Conservative Solutions to the two- component Camassa-Holm System via Characteristics, Commun. Math. Sci. 14 (2016), no. 6, 1581–1597.
15. Qingtian Zhang. Global well-posedness of cubic Camassa-Holm equations, Nonlinear Anal. 133 (2016), 61–73.
16. Alberto Bressan, Geng Chen, Qingtian Zhang and Shengguo Zhu No BV bounds for approximate solutions to p-system with general pressure law, J. Hyperbolic Differ. Equations, 12 (2015), no. 4, 799–816.
17. Alberto Bressan, Geng Chen, and Qingtian Zhang. Unique conservative solutions to a variational wave equation, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 217 (2015), no. 3, 1069–1101.
18. Alberto Bressan, Geng Chen, and Qingtian Zhang. Uniqueness of Conservative Solutions to the Camassa-Holm Equation via Characteristics, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 35 (2015), no. 1, 25–42.
19. Alberto Bressan, Geng Chen, and Qingtian Zhang. Lack of BV bounds for approximate solutions to the p-system with large data,J. Differential Equations, 256 (2014), 3067–3085.
20. Yi Du, Chun Liu and Qingtian Zhang. A blow-up criterion for 3-D compressible visco-elasticity, Commun. Math. Sci., 12 (2014), no. 3, 473–484.
21. Geng Chen, Robin Young and Qingtian Zhang. Shock formation in the compressible Euler equations and related systems, J. Hyperbolic Differ. Equ., 10 (2013), no. 1, 149–172.
22. Zhen Lei, Yi Du and Qingtian Zhang. Singularities of solutions to compressible Euler equations with vacuum, Math. Res. Lett., 20 (2013), no. 1, 55–64.